Cameron Taylor – Demo on NT

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5 thoughts on “Cameron Taylor – Demo on NT”

  1. Sean M Lawler

    I like the idea of writing down the important details on the board in simple sentences as they come up. There’s got to be tons of input value in doing this, instead of waiting til after creating the character and story to write sentences describing it all. I need to do that, for one reason, to take a picture of at the end of class so I can reproduce that when I type up the narrative after school.
    I love your pacing, like Steven says. Very calm and relaxing and refreshing. I enjoyed the natural and effortless pace and use of visual support (gestures and drawings).

    1. Sean, I do the writing to help me keep the facts straight. Also I have the class scribe to write down the English. This is a great job for that kid that knows a lot or is a fast processor. I also take pictures with my phone. I have 85 minute classes so I usually get to write and discuss. Both the students and I use the board plus what the scribe writes down as a guide to our discussion. It has been one change that has worked really well this year.
      Thanks for the comment on the pacing. After seeing Ben at Comprehensible Cascadia, I realized how powerful it is to slow down. I’m nowhere near as good as Ben but he has inspired me. I promise you that in those videos one part of my mind is saying, “Slow down like Ben!”

  2. Ditto what Sean said. Everything was comprehensible and relaxed and interesting. When you drew the stripes, spots and stars in asking about the unicorn in the one word image, I was reminded what a nice brain massage for the kids to see the unicorn be drawn in the moment. They got to see images and hear sounds and that is how we acquire.
    Great pacing, great communication. This is when the kids’ brains can just relax and enjoy the input, which then creates the “din”, and then when they sleep real acquisition occurs. Keeping kids’ minds focused on the message and their emotions in a pleasant state is not an easy task.
    So nice to see such a relaxed teacher. So many teachers think it’s all about their stage presence, but what you have achieved here is a slow and steady flow of input that is interesting to listen to and not accompanied by any sense of nervousness or pressure. Very enjoyable to just listen and watch things develop. I would say the pacing was perfect.

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