Burnout. Real. Is Happening. Now.

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1 thought on “Burnout. Real. Is Happening. Now.”

  1. I know what you are talking about bc I was there myself.

    I think the traditional way with only one adult (the teacher) with up to 30 or more kids is for many of us the surest way to burn-out. ( I was told by a colleague that she knows s.o. who is working at a place for patients with depression/ burn-out and that about 75% of them are teachers.)
    But more staff means more money and since when has real education ever had the upper hand about economical considerations.
    I wonder how long it will take until enough people realize that it’s much better to spend much more money on children at the beginning of their school career then later on when those who didn’t get enough help to succeed can’t get a job or even might become criminals.

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