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2 thoughts on “Brilliant Metaphor for Teaching”
OOOH! I’m gonna make a story out of him! and after front-loading it, I’m gonna ‘MT’ it.
There is a taco.
His name is X.
X is happy! (Synonym stacking for ‘happy!’)
X is running.
X is running outdoors.
(The sun is shining, the birds are tweeting).
Oops! What? What happened?
X fell! X tripped on a Y and fell!
Poor X!
His cheese, meat, lettuce, tomatoes, olives, sour cream etc. fell!
Oh! But X isn’t sad. No way.
X is scooping/gathering his ingredients.
He puts them back into his tortilla.
He stands up!
There he is!
He’s X the running taco!
[He’s un-stoppable!]
Love it