Ardythe on Acquisition Theory

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2 thoughts on “Ardythe on Acquisition Theory”

  1. “Following CI/Krashen theories is the DO column and corresponds to cognitive approaches in the spirit of Chomsky and Vygotsky. Surely your administrators are familiar with those names and would encourage anything that aligns with them, and discourage anything (traditional) that is not.”

    I so enjoy a good laugh. Our administratos would probalby say, “Chomsky who?”

  2. I have two favorite anecdotes along those lines Clarice.

    The first was when one of my administrators once asked me about Kragen.

    The other, much more serious, happened in a formal (middle school/high school) articulation meeting years ago in Jefferson County with ten teachers and three assistant principals. We really needed the meeting to “clear the air” about what Lupe Garcia and I were doing in the middle school (TPRS) and what the eight high school teachers were doing up at the high school. I asked that we pull up the ACTFL web pages and read them together in the meeting via the LCD. As we were setting that up, one of the high school Spanish teachers at the table leaned over and asked me if ACTFL had anything to do with the ACT exam. I said no. Then, as we looked at those web pages, I could tell, I sensed, how few of the teachers and definitely all three of the APs had almost no awareness or connection or insights into the text on the wall in front of them. It was as if they were people off the street who weren’t involved in education at all. They were reading, in fact, the mandates of the national parent organization of all language teachers in the United States. Should these people be telling us what to do? Should they be evaluating us?

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