Colorado Teacher of the Year 2016-2017

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22 thoughts on “Colorado Teacher of the Year 2016-2017”

  1. David Sceggel

    I remember watching Sabrina teach French to her lab students at iFLT in Denver. So calm, so slow, so caring, so engaging. It inspired me to teach more like her. Congrats.

  2. Thank you for your kind words Ben and all of you colleagues out there.
    It all started with me watching a Ben Slavic video.
    Ben, I owe everything.
    I accept this award for all the teachers out there who are just as good as I, and who care as much about their students as I do, but don’t get recognized.

    Merci encore!!

  3. Hey, Skip.
    It is time to update the 2016 TCI Maine page: Sabrina Janczak, Colorado TOY is slated to present.

    We learn so much from your talent, your tenderness, and your humility, Sabrina. Your friends in the North East are elated.


  4. Congrats Sabrina! I’ve only had the privilege to see you teach on video, so I know I’m only getting a fraction of the human element that I’ve heard from many others you portray so well. Way to go Colorado!

  5. Sabrina ACTFL TOY 2017 – I can see it!

    Do you feel the tide turning? Truly unbelievable how many CI teachers are being recognized!

    Congrats Sabrina!

  6. Emeka Debyser

    Félicitations! I saw you teach last summer at iFLT and I truly know I’ve become a better teacher this year for it. One of the BEST things I’ve done this year is using your “greetings” to get to know how my students are really feeling. No more just “ça va”. This was a huge change.

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