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4 thoughts on “Anne Matava on Scripting Stories 1”
Thank you for putting up your script format. It’s really helpful to see how it’s actually structured besides reading the story.
It is indeed helpful to see this. I have the book, but I have not got around to consulting it again as I prepare for the new year. Her book is going on the top of my pile now. I think many of us beginners can really benefit from as many concrete examples as possible right now, in order to have a structure to fall back on.
I still fall back on Anne’s scripts, and it has been on top of my pile since I’ve bought it. I actually taught an individual lesson this morning, and used a story from my book “Nice to meet you.” Even though I’ve done the story before, and wrote it, I still found myself referring to it to keep myself from going to wide and keeping to the structures. Having the scripts in front of us IS important, especially for us who are continually working on simplifying our stories.
I wouldn’t start a story without a script from you or Anne in front of me. I need the order that scripts provide to stories, especially after all that PQA.