Anne Matava – I Can Run Faster Than You

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5 thoughts on “Anne Matava – I Can Run Faster Than You”

  1. OT: I am looking for the comment that explains talks about the “special chair” sorry, I was going to go back and read more carefully and now can’t find it…
    Does anyone remember where it is???
    I think it Jennifer or Jody??
    sorry but I think I would like to try this?

  2. It was Jody under “Jason Kohl.”
    Anne, I’m so glad you’re in the guest blogger program! I can use this story in a couple of weeks. Some of my students will appreciate it super-much. I’m looking foward to hearing your insights on teaching.

  3. It’s funny how some ideas just fall into place! I was thinking about the target structures for this story in Spanish–one of them being “me duele” (it hurts). That reminded me that Señor Wooly ( has a song “Me duele”, so I decided to teach that song this week to work up the vocab for the story. It has a silly video to go with it. Then I found Santana’s “Corazón espinado” which has “cómo me duele el amor”. Perfect! There’s two weeks of songs all ready to go! Woo hoo! Thanks for this great story!!!!!

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