Animal Parade Notes

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5 thoughts on “Animal Parade Notes”

  1. Just read about Martina Bex’s suggestion to ask: “What do we know about …?” “What do we not know about…?” This could apply nicely to the super star animal of the day. The answers could be kept short and simple in elementary.

    1. In 3rd grade I combined the super star animal/Ppt with the overarching question -what do we know about- Mme’s pet King Cobra snake- the main character of our story-: Is a reptile, is dangerous, is long, is hungry, has two eyes, has a mouth, has fangs, does not have hands, does not have legs, eats birds, sleeps a lot etc I had one picture/slide to discuss. I recycled as many words as possible. It was engaging, yet I failed at keeping the kids from blurting in L1. Too many cool things to share, like the distance of venom spit.

  2. Thanks for sharing your ideas, Catharina. I think I will coordinate this with the art teacher next year. I teach upper school as well as all the pre-K and elementary Spanish and really appreciate hearing ideas geared toward younger students.

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