Additions to Reading Sequence

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8 thoughts on “Additions to Reading Sequence”

  1. By the way, those steps for a reading class are going to take 90 minutes at least. Just sayin’.
    (So many years of just waiting for class to end, trying to come with ways to fill the time as it dragged along, all those years of hating my job finally over, and now, I need more time than I have in every single class that I teach…).

    1. I understand what you mean. Last year, I took so much time to plan enough activities to “take up class time” and avoid downtime at the end. I almost always ended up with 5-10 extra minutes left at the end of class where I had to scramble and think of something to make them do to keep them quiet. Now, I need more time. I would have never thought that I would need more time; last year, had there been an “election” to shorten periods I would have been all for it. Now I need more time, I often find the end of the period bell ringing when I’m in the middle of a sentence as I don’t watch the clock anymore. Last year, I looked at the clock every couple of minutes (just like the students).

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