A Little Idea That Has Been Helping

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4 thoughts on “A Little Idea That Has Been Helping”

  1. Hi Ben – I’m thinking through the details of your activity. Are these assumptions correct?
    These kids have not seen/heard the structures at all.
    They come in , they receive a colorful piece of paper with 3 blank lines for them to write on. They desire this colorful piece of paper over their own notebook paper.
    You read/dictate 3 sentences that contain the structures.
    They write down, spelling as best they can guess.
    Then you show them on the o/head or board the correct 3 sentences.
    They copy correctly. They turn in (or you check) and they get a grade
    They RETAIN the sheet for their notes?
    Then you start PQAing…and moving out from there.

  2. When I do a dictation, I talk about what the structures mean (in English). Not in a long, involved way, but it’s a time to say “in English it would be ‘I saw her yesterday’ but in French we say ‘I her have seen yesterday.'” Or if there’s a parallel vocabulary link in English that’s when I say it. Gives my word nerds a hook to hang things on, and for the others it’s quick and painless and might help eventually.
    Then I circle on these structures some. Sometimes it flows into a whole long PQA or story. Sometimes it doesn’t and then I go on to something else.

  3. I experimented with this idea a bit today: At the end of the hour yesterday, I had students write a quick story script with three new structures. I picked the one that I thought would generate the most student interest and made a dictation out of it. Today, I dictated that story to my classes (with name changes in each class to reflect the students/student ideas from that class). The dictation was very general, and then we circled it and added more details. This really gave me a chance to practice my circling skills, as I wrote up all my questions beforehand, and I wasn’t left to simply think on my feet in front of the class. I’m considering using this format periodically in the future for the sake of variety and for the sake of sanity… sanity because the script on paper for my students provides a real anchor point for the class, yet it is already personalized! Also, I have a ton of student story scripts (SGSs) sitting in a file that never got used this year. I’d like to take some time going through those this summer and generating dictados and circling questions from them – just for the sake of practicing circling.
    Thank you, Ben, and to all the other posters on this blog who provide so many great ideas and inspiration to develop newer, better, and more varied ways to provide CI to our students!

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