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4 thoughts on “Language Assessment Principles – Robert Harrell”
Whoa…this is powerful information! I do not completely understand everything yet but I love to be on the path of “assessment enlightenment.”
Very empowering Thank you!
Harrell. Nice work. Solid.
I’m telling you Chris between you and Harrell and Laurie and Eric and Nathaniel and Coxon we have the APPLIED research piece down. I think VP and Krashen should be reading what you all write here for some of their information, because it’s not all caught up in theory but comes from endless classes, that flow of knowledge that can only come into a teacher as a result of combining research with practice.
This summer Scott and I are going to a MaFLA (Mass FL Assoc) sponsored Proficiency Academy. I would rather be at NTPRS. But we feel it is essential that we get the training through the state FL organization. We think it will give weight to our discussions about proficiency and assessment. Ii think it will also speak well of our intentions in the eyes of the superintendent and the district curriculum coordinator.
I just printed out another copy of your summary Robert. It will helpful to have this handy at the Academy, while I write my Final Exam summaries, and during next year as we discuss common assessments.