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8 thoughts on “30 Points About Comprehensible Input”
Thank you so much. I’ll use it for a constant reminder!
Love this!
Can you be my administrator?
I love this! Thank you for the list!
Looks like a nice list to give our admins. some reading HW when trying to transmit to them the “spirit” of what we’re striving for in our classes.
I think that the #14 really sums up so MUCH of that “spirit” with: “Comprehensible input is not the teacher talking at students; it is not learning about a language; it is not immersion. Rather, it is about students hearing and understanding messages that they want to hear and understand.”
Also, the point of “it is not immersion.” I feel like I hold that as my goal too often & by doing so, lose focus, get frustrated why my students don’t always buy into that goal– you know, that sacred 90/10! Again, “what THEY WANT 2 HEAR & UNDERSTAND”- therein lies the goal. Our job is simply to find the “fresh” and interesting stuff in the TL (to them), & by default… ta-dah… immersion happens.
I tried for years to keep my classes at 90% in the TL as per ACTFL and failed. I couldn’t do it, even when I quit doing TPRS and started w the Invisibles. What worked for me was not thinking so much about percentages and allowing myself to just speak as much French as I felt like that day, sometimes less than 50% of the time if we had something interesting to talk about in English. It’s bc when we need 10,000 hours (at least – I think it’s 15,000 hours)) to get to mastery as per the research, and we only have 500 in a four year program, then I stopped making myself crazy w that silly recommendation and instantly felt a lot happier, and so did my students. The push to stay in the TL was wearing us all down and I was sacrificing their comprhension for that crazy ACTFL position statement. It’s not how much of the TL we speak in class, it’s how much we like each other and want to spend time together communicating in the TL.
Amen! That is a relief to hear you say. I think I’ve been holding onto the 90/10 thing…
Yeah the 90/10 thing was made up by ACTFL superstars, and they are just not in touch.