Points of View May Vary

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5 thoughts on “Points of View May Vary”

  1. It is, indeed, a very good question. Especially since I truly do enjoy teaching, more than anything I ever did before (I am a career changer , having found my true calling later in life).
    I also read John’s post and it did give me pause – it made me realize that even when a class seems “low energy” from my perspective, the kids are still learning, and most importantly, deriving pleasure from it. John, you seem to have perfected the art of being in the moment and letting the energy from the kids flow naturally. This is an aspect I still need to work on (like so many others).
    And now I will go and enjoy a weekend free of worries, and I wish the same for all of you!

  2. and Brigette….our “low energy” classes are a world away from other people’s classes. Walk around your building and peek in doorways. Unless it is a lab, teachers talk and kids sit in silence. Having a class that is interactive is a real eye-opener for many administrators. It is one of the reasons that when we, as TPRSers, have a truly interactive group, that classroom control can be an issue. I have seen where admins see a lively group, all working in the TL, and the observing admins only saw chaos.
    SO GLAD that the follow-up went well!!
    with love,
    PS Congrats to my friend Meghan who also had a great observation this week!!!

    1. Thanks, Laurie. It is so helpful to get others’ perspectives on this whole high/low energy issue. What you say is so true in that it all depends on who is looking at it.

  3. I enjoyed reading this blog post. I have the same problem. I always feel that the lesson could have gone much better. I want the kids to enjoy every class, and when the energy level is down I feel like I’ve lost them. I guess I have to remember that I am not an entertainer. Also, it is my first year in a new building, and although the admin have given positive feedback, I can’t seem to relax and think that I’m doing good enough work. If something negative happens I dwell on it much more than necessary. I’m glad to hear that I’m not the only one. Hopefully, having read this post will help me relax this coming week.

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