A Detail on the Readings

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15 thoughts on “A Detail on the Readings”

  1. Oops, that was me – sorry, I didn’t mean to clog your inbox with unusable stuff. I get it, only Matava/Tripp stuff in the future. I just got the Matava books in the mail and the refrigerator story was the first one I did. So, as I go through the other stories, I will send those in.

  2. Actually I got a bunch Brigitte. We could start a collection of readings because they are all so good. Isn’t it funny after teaching the other way for so long and our kids couldn’t come up with much in the way of interesting language and then now each of us is sitting on a pile of awesome stuff that our kids are doing because of our use of comprehensible input with them? But we should probably not do a category on this, at least right now, as we negotiate more important corridors in the CI house. Right now I am over in the Novels Wing and it is powerful. I am finding rooms on this wing that I had never even opened the doors to. There is one room that shows us how we can pin an entire year’s curriculum on (from 1 to 3) novels. This may not be new to others, but it is to me.

  3. And it sure is new to me, too. I am still a bit too scared to delve into a novel. First, I need to get A LOT better at just the basics of all of this. I must say, after (re-)reading some blog posts and (re)watching your videos, this week’s readings already went so much better, quite phenomenally actually, including the choral reading part, which – until now – I couldn’t really wrap my head around. That laser pointer was one of the best investments I ever made – in addition to a subscription to your blog, of course! Plus, we acted out the refrigerator story in level 1 and it was the best performance ever (that rubber chicken I never knew what to do with came in really handy).
    As I am now completely sold on the power of Anne’s story scripts, this is where I will put my focus from now on.
    Thanks for your feedback and I will keep those “Matava” stories coming.

  4. The big question for me is whether working from a novel (pulling 20 or so structures from each chapter and taking 5 or 6 weeks to backwards plan them before reading the chapter) or working from a story script is easiest and most effective.

  5. I find that these novels are written in a way that makes it unnecessary to do tons of backward planning or using story script. Novels should be about 90-95% comprehensible or they are too hard to use. The kids lose interest and don’t want to read. They are right. Reading should be enjoyable or why do it.
    The first 2-3 chapters can be a bit slow time wise and CI wise (if you catch my drift). However, doing parallel stories, dramatic acting from teacher reading, and any other tricks (I’ve got a million) to hit that new vocab several times in a chapter, make the rest of the book pretty easy for most to read and comprehend. I do find that going through the chapter before we approach it, to pull out vocab that I know they don’t know, is very helpful. That’s the vocab I really focus on during parallel stories, questions/answers, etc.

  6. Jody I addressed the idea of using novels in a blog post just now. I agree that reading a novel should be interesting and easy. Can we get there with our kids without doing backwards planning?
    My question for you is, how does the content of what I wrote in that new blog post agree or not agree with your overall approach? I really don’t want to give up Matava scripts for creating scriptless stories as part of the backwards planning process.

  7. I’d like to see others’ scripts, Ben. I wonder if there is a way to have a common template that we could use to keep them organized.
    Copy/Paste template/Fill in/Email
    Intended level:
    Target phrases in English and L2:
    Extended Reading:

  8. Yes. Category: Member Scripts
    Just a thought. If people create dynamite scripts, I’d love to see and use them.
    I’d send you this in an email:
    Title: EJ hace fila
    Level: Spanish II
    Target Vocab: hacía fila (was standing in line); mientras (while)
    Skeleton: PQA ¿Para qué haría fila? (Why would you stand in line)
    X stands in line. While X was standing in line something happened.
    Extended Story:
    EJ tenía hambre y fue a In-n-Out para comprar una hamburguesa. Cuando fue a In-n-Out hizo fila detrás de Dominique y el Sr. Hiben. Mientras hacían fila Donna, la cocinera, cerró In-n-Out porque no tenía hamburguesas para cocinar. Donna fue a El Salvador para una vaca para hacer las hamburguesas.
    Cuando EJ hacía fila él vio al Sr. Hiben y a Dominique. Ellos hacían fila también. Mientras el Sr. Hiben hacía fila él cantó la canción de Barney. Mientras el Sr. Hiben cantaba EJ bailó. Mientras EJ bailaba Dominique tocó las maracas. Mientras el Sr. Hiben cantaba, EJ bailaba y Dominique tocaba las maracas la Sra. Aguirre manejó a In-n-Out y sacó un video para You Tube.
    Después de cantar por mucho tiempo el Sr. Hiben tenía mucha hambre. El Sr. Hiben vio a Dominique y decidió comer los brazos de Dominique. Mientras el Sr. Hiben comía los brazos de Dominique Dominique gritó al Sr. Hiben que estaba furiosa porque no tiene brazos. Al Sr. Hiben no le importaba. Estaba contento porque no tenía hambre más. Todavía quería una hamburguesa entonces se quedó y hizo fila.
    Si la Sra. Aguirre estuviera allí y tuviera hambre, ella no comería los brazos de Dominique.
    Dominique decidió quedarse también. Aunque no tenía brazos todavía tenía hambre.
    Finalmente Donna regresó de El Salvador con una vaca. Donna mató a la vaca y preparó las hamburguesas. EJ, Dominique, y el Sr. Hiben hicieron fila por una semana para las hamburguesas. Donna las cocinó y se las sirvió a Dominique, EJ y al Sr. Hiben.

  9. I, too,think it would be a great idea. Especially if we provide translations for the target vocab and skeleton à la Drew. In my case, I don’t speak Spanish but I could use Drew’s structures and skeleton as a jumping off point for a German story.

  10. O.K. but my fear is too much information, as there is almost too much on this site right now. I don’t want this site to get like the listserve. I will agree to a category if we could stipulate that these have to be stories of real high interest to kids, and, like Drew said, we would need to specify levels.
    And I don’t think that any of us has time to translate. I think that we should do it like we are doing the readings, by language only with no translation.
    You all decide on the format. Is the one Drew suggests o.k., or do you want to make some changes?
    Once we decide on a format and other details like the ones I asked about above, I will set up the category.

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