Today 4

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8 thoughts on “Today 4”

  1. I agree with Laurie – he won. He found the firm boundaries that he needed to feel safe. Now he knows that he doesn’t need to protect himself in your class because you will do that. Expect him to test the boundaries from time to time – he needs the reassurance that you care enough to be firm.

  2. Ben, I have a question about using more than one set or list of rules in the classroom. I really like the five finger approach and simplicity, but I can also see the need for the longer list of rules that will reinforce behavior once the class get off the ground with stories, PQA, etc. Are you working with both lists simultaneously? Do you introduce the five finger rules first, and then introduce the bigger list later? By week two are you referring to both lists, and how do you keep kids from getting confused?

  3. The roles convey something much more to me than just rules, John. They convey a system of comportment, if you will.
    Each time that I put up a finger and pause (and say it in English if I have to), I am telling the kids that they are going to basically do rule #4 of my Classroom Rules. The Finger Rules serve the Classroom rules in that way, and no, I personally am not experiencing them, both sets, as too “busy”. It is more the feeling behind them that comes through in each enforcement moment. It’s all rule #4.
    We ask the kids to focus on the meaning and not the words in class. So also, in terms of the behavior that we expect from them in class, we must get them, via these two sets of rules, to focus on their meaning and not so much what they say individually. When their focus is thus on the meaning behind the rules, they don’t get confused. Again, there is only one rule, really – rule #4 on the Classroom Rules poster.
    In the first two weeks I mainly use the finger rules. They break the ground because they always occur “right now”. The posted Classroom Rules oversee everything. The two sets of rules are so new, so unusual as classroom rules that are actually enforced by a teacher throughout the class period instead of such pablum as “Be respectful.”, that the kids “get” that they are real.
    I walk around in absolute clarity with those rules, as well. I really enforce them in a big dramatic way. The Classroom Rules are written very clearly on a very big poster where all the students can see them with very little effort. The finger rules are not written at all, but are presented on the spot with hand motions and a big smile.
    Hope that makes sense. And remember that this is high energy time. We have to go way over the top on this stuff and bust a kid EACH TIME, usually with the finger rule here at the start of school. If we don’t do that we can kiss off the year. On the other hand, by working so hard to enforce these rules NOW, the rest of the year will be cake for us.
    P.S. I got your Latin post and am looking for a place in the queue for it. This is a very crowded time on the blog, but I won’t forget it. I am committed to your vision for Latin and we will keep that discussion alive on this blog and many good things will come from it.

    1. Thanks for these, Ben.
      I’m wondering how rule #3 of finger rules (don’t repeat anything after me in any language) works with Susie’s “What did I just say/ask?” I don’t want to confuse my students, so I need to understand first how these work in conjunction.

  4. They are completely different and used at completely different times. #3 finger rule is a very rare occurence after the first day or two because only in the first few days do they try to repeat what we say. We correct them, and they stop for the year. “What did I just say?”, on the other hand, is THE powerhouse move on checking formatively for understanding each and every day of the year. I am glad this came up. We have (very rightly) been harping on SLOW here for the past two weeks. It, along with SLOW circling, is the secret to everything. However, we need to harp on the importance of “What did I just say?” as well. It is a major kick ass tool that we use every five minutes or more when teaching to their eyes. You will get used to this, Skip, when you realize that just going on and on in the circling without checking, really, EVERY FEW MINUTES with this tool will lead to some of the kids spacing out because nobody is checking on them, requiring them to be fully mentally present in the class with no exceptions because if you let even one kid do that, if you let even one kid go, you will instantly pay by having the energy promptly sucked out of the classroom by the black hole that used to be the kid whom you could have held in class mentally with:
    1. constant eye contact, scanning the room, working the crowd, all the time.
    2. the use of this baseball bat of a discipline tool, “What did I just say?” – it is a baseball bat because the kid who is constantly asked “What did I just say?” has to make the following choice when confronted with the teacher in this way: either continue to space out OR look like a fool in front of peers. Hmmm. If I’m a kid and I have to make that choice, I’m probably going to want to avoid looking like a fool in front of peers and that means stopping the space out act. It is a marvelous tool and Susie was very right to tell us here about a month ago that the hand checks are fairly useless whereas “What did I just say?” is a big bad beast of a TPRS tool that goes a long way in bringing heightened discipline in the classroom.

  5. hmmm….I think I need to see Susie again. :o) I am now wondering about the correct response to “What did I just say?” I always thought that it was the English translation of what she just said in French. Or…is it the French she just said? Obviously we should make this clear to students…but now I’m wondering.
    I have my kids trained to translate to English when I use the Spanish expression…”¿ y en inglés?” which becomes “y en inglés cómo se dice ______?” or ¿ y en inglés qué quiere decir____________?” as we move into upper levels.
    I’ve never thought to utilize a ‘What did I just say?” in order to get a response in Spanish (good for 4%ers? an additional way to get interaction? ) Has anyone used “What did I just say” this way? If so, how’d it go?
    with love,

  6. Laurie in my opinion it is just a comprehension check, to be done and finished in seconds so as not to lose the mojo. It therefore has to be in English even at the upper levels. That is my opinion on it.

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