We CI language teachers are like those pilots from a hundred years ago logging flying time. Our biplanes are largely experimental, and much of what we are doing involves trial and error and no small amount of courage. But the more we fly, the better we get at flying.We might occasionally look down from our new biplanes to perhaps spy one of our former teaching personalities waving up at us and smiling, happy to see that we have finally rid ourselves of the massive amount of work and worry that the old way of teaching required from us.We smile and wave back to them with love and appreciation for their struggles, because they got us airborne. We appreciate that no matter how big the struggles they experienced were, in the end they were all worth it, because now we know how to teach languages in terms of the research and the Communication Standard.We are part of a new breed of high-flying language teachers, and it is only a matter of time before our old biplanes become jet propelled and we can fly at higher and higher elevations, and closer to the stars.

About Ben Slavic

Ben Slavic is a nationally recognized TPRS and Comprehensible Input expert who has helped thousands of teachers all over the world go deeper with comprehensible input language instruction.

The author of numerous best-selling books, audio and video programs, Ben has spent decades in middle and high school classrooms in search of the best way to teach languages, which he feels he has found in the form of comprehensible input (CI).