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10 thoughts on “Word Wall”

  1. I also saw a list on a white board (in Spanish class)that looked semi permanent. There were two columns- one on the left; the other on the right. In the middle seemed to be the TLS, but Kristi was blocking it! Is that the word wall you are referring to?

  2. I have been keeping track of new words that come up in stories on big pieces of butcher paper . The problem is I don’t have much wall space because I don’t have my own classroom. So, I’ve been just posting word lists on top of each other. Does anyone else have the challenge of not having a classroom? Any portable word list ideas?
    Last year I had the words translated on the word list and this year I don’t have the translations. Perhaps I should go back to having the translations?

    1. I don’t have my own classroom, either. I have several word walls on freezer paper (like butcher paper) color-coded in Spanish and English. I roll them all up and secure them with a rubber band, then put them on the white dry-erase board in the classroom with magnets–I used the small kind that don’t distract. I have a student hang them up for me while I take attendance and another student take them down (if I think of it) toward the end of class.

  3. A few years back I had 4 classrooms. I insisted on using wallspace for my word wall. I use Benedict’s document ( What sucked for me that year was that I added words as they came up naturally in class. So, in class 1 I would put up a word that wasn’t up yet in class 3. but when in class 3 I used the word I would whirl and point to the word wall and not be able to find it! Now I’m in my own room so just one wordwall. Alpha across the top of the wall. I made color copies of the alphabet fromt he book, Calavera Abecedario (Jeanette Winter). I wait until I’ve used the words several times in class. then, I put them up on the wall with a big presentation.
    I also have a ‘gesture wall’ with words that we have distinct gestures for. they go up in order of when I present them tot he class. Verbs in blue with endings in red. All other words in black. I posted the international sign for signing interpretation( next to the list.
    When I review the words with kids,we play a game I sometimes call ojos ingleses ojos espanoles or soemthing like that. I reinforce that they are _inclined_ to read with their ‘English reading eyes’ and need to be aware of this so they can begin using their ‘Spanish reading eyes’. I pronounce the word either like a gringo or a native speaker and they have to say ojos ingleses or ojos espanoles. Then, they say it exagerating it with their English eyes and saying it nice and short with good pronunciation. I train them to reallly exagerate the english pronunciation and make them repeat with good pronunciation several times more. They enjoy this and it seems to help their pronunciation in general. I never do this with mroe than 3 or 4 words at a time.

    1. Hey Everyone,
      So, I need a Spanish Word Wall. I looked on Ben’s main page under resources and I clicked on Grant’s link above and it didn’t work…
      Could someone send a Spanish word wall to me at by tomorrow?
      thanks so much

    1. Annemarie. I do have lists around I put them up all the time, but my kids rarely take their midterm in my room and sometimes I worry that they will be too dependent on the lists. I would not not do lists, but I wonder? I adapted my French list from Scott’s Spanish list.

  4. I use those display boards and carry them around for my portable word wall. Stuctures for the day move from the word board to a pocket chart that is hung up.

  5. Yes, Kate, but one of your finest moments in St. Louis, aside from your great master of ceremonies role at open mike night, was in taking down and setting up my word walls and other posters when we found out that the room for my presentation had changed at the last minute. Plus, you managed to do that and also push me down the hall to the right room and hand me a glass of water and give me a pep talk about staying focused, all in less than five minutes. That was something!

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