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9 thoughts on “Voice Over Sample”

  1. Tried to play it, but it gives me an error message.
    Also, is there any way you can have the videos open in a new window? That way the blog can stay open at the same time as the video.

  2. It worked great for me. Should have watched without voice over first so it would not have distracted me. Are these new structures for them? Very helpful. Love the way you work with the word lists – I am going to make mine shorter and start using them again. Maybe a tad fast if it’s new stuff? Thanks, Ben and sorry about the laser pointer and i-pod. That stinks.

  3. …are these new structures for them?…
    Chill do you mean the three new structures that look like I’m starting a new story (went, etc.)? Those were in the second part of Anne’s location 1 and are needed because the kids had never seen them. Anything out of bounds has to be brought in bounds.
    The video is just not that clear. In a few hours I will have all those DPS teachers in a workshop (in-service day today) and I am determined to go slow enough to make the visual breakdowns that I will then post here later and through the week (it is a three hour session modeling all three steps so it will take some time to process the video into those little 10 minutes chunks allowed by YouTube) and then it might be clearer.
    I am determined not to allow the limitations of video keep us from learning from each other in the best possible way. To even have the medium of video is a miracle in the first place, and we have to make it work for us because it has been given to us. The option is to wait for the workshops next summer and I don’t want to do that. I need the feedback year round!

  4. The “il s’appelait” structures seemed fast as opposed to Linda Li slow, but I did not get where you were in the lesson. I think this will work very well. If the voice over may be confusing to people who are trying to deal at the same time with French and English especially if they don’t know French. Instead of a voice over…how much of a pain is it to stop the video, then insert your commentary, or you had some old DVD’s with subtitles?

  5. I had the same feeling as Chill. Couldn’t quite focus on the lesson and on the commentary at the same time. I would have preferred to read the comments. I didn’t want to miss a word , and couldn’t quite figure out what to listen to. The videos you are posting are very helpful to better understand the skills. It is so powerful to watch another teacher in a real classroom.

  6. I haven’t had a chance to watch the video yet. Thinking about others’ comments, I’m thinking that to keep it simple for the teacher (so they don’t have to do subtitles), what if the teacher just posted two links to the video, one plain and one voiceover, just like DVDs that have the directors’ voiceover commentary in the special features of movies? I guess I’m thinking that if posting video is too hard for the teacher, it will never happen.
    Or another thought would be what if we posted a comment to the video with the written version of the story that the class read afterward? That way it’s no extra work for the teacher, and viewers can put the text into google translate and get the gist of what was going on.
    Can’t wait to watch the videos! Thank you for making the effort to make them available.

    1. Carla I know from experience that when I did that original set of DVDs with middle schoolers four years ago, the editing, the work in doing subtitles was just too much. I did those in the summer, there were only seven hours, and it took all summer to subtitle and insert longer panel explanations into the video from time to time. And do you remember, Carla, your husband was watching them and said that the explicatory panels were like speed bumps, interrupting the flow of the instruction, and that he suggested we not do them. And yet Catharina is saying that she gets confused with the voiceover. Carla said that when subtitling, etc. becomes too much work for us it may stop the momentum we are gathering here. No decision here, just hoping we can get to consensus and thus make the video project work. I’m kind of goking with Brian’s comment (below) at this point. If we want to voice over, we do that. Otherwise, we just do the regular video. I sense that many people are getting ready to throw up here, so we will actually have a lot of video reflecting a lot of styles and different amount of experience. Maybe our philosophy should be that the more stuff we throw up here, the more exposure we have to different styles, the less editing during our precious hours at home we have, and the learning thus done by osmosis will help us all get better. Should we do it that way? Some other way? And let’s not get too bent out of shape on this, because it has never been done before. Whatever we decidee to do is better than not doing anything, has been my philosophy on this website and training site since the beginning.

  7. I’d give thumbs up to voice over (kinda like having a TPRS coach whispering in your ear!), BUT I had already watched the same video beforehand, so that skews my thoughts on the issue. If it were new to me, then maybe I’d just want the raw video…
    One vote for raw video! Really have something to say with voice over? Go for it. It’s easier than saying, “At 3:45, we see…”

  8. I like the voiceovers too. Again, I watched it after having seen the OG videos. It’s a good reinforcement of why we are doing things the way we do them (even if it is subconscious).

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