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8 thoughts on “Update on Memberships”
Hey Ben,
I included my bio at the end of my rant yesterday 🙂 in Model What You Want From Them. I would add that I teach at Wayne High School in Fort Wayne Indiana. As always, thanks so much for this blog.
Libby–I’m a Spanish teacher at Adams Central in Adams County. I know that Wayne is also a New Tech School–two of our Spanish teachers visited there in September. I’m curious if your French classroom is New Tech?
Different language, so I’m afraid I wouldn’t be much help to you. The French program at Huntington North is TPRS–maybe you could get in touch with them? Feel free to contact me via email if you want to.
We used to run Huntington in cross country at Culver Military Academy, Lori… small world.
Wow! I had no idea! I’m not part of the new tech program. I’m glad I’m not because I can’t really see project based learning blending well with TPRS.
And that is why we are so proud of Lori. She is doing all we are doing and successfully putting it into the New Tech model, as much as it can be done anyway. That’s talent!
It doesn’t blend, Libby! It doesn’t blend at all. The compromise I’ve made is to limit New Tech to Mondays and Wednesdays. It’s not ideal, but it’s much better than I’d feared. I’ve told my administrator that my classroom will not always look like a New Tech classroom and he has been OK with that; he said that New Tech had to be tweaked for math as well.
My students understand that they are only acquiring Spanish on “my days,” as I call them. So on “my days” laptops are closed and they have to get used to listening to a teacher again rather than working with one another in small groups. I have a great group of kids who are very kind to me and willing to play the game. If it weren’t for them, I’d be very frustrated by now. As is is, I really feel blessed.
Wow! Lori, if you think back to the spring or summer, whenever you told us about this new position, there was doubt about how it all was going to turn out. I guess that is the answer! And your kids’ testimonials about “your days” speaks volumes.
Before I sound too negative about the technology part, there are things I really appreciate about each student having a laptop. I have the agenda online several days in advance and can tweak it at will; I have the class stories in a google doc so that absent students can still access it; all students have their own new tech email so if I’m missing an assignment or want to tell someone to come in for tutoring, I don’t have to waste class time–I just shoot them an email.
And yeah, I was very fearful this summer; I really do need to trust more…God has never let me down yet.