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3 thoughts on “Update”

  1. Ben,

    I just wanted to say that I totally support your efforts to protect this group. I know that you have taken (many?) hit because you insist on making this a closed group. I don’t think you can overstate the need to provide security and safety for the members that post to this PLC.

    I will limit my comments to these given the possible “open” nature of the blog at this time. It is imperative to ensure that members feel free to share and express their thought, feelings and experiences without fear that somebody might use that info. in a negative way.

    So, thank you for your ongoing efforts to keep the site secure. I hope that you feel support from your members.


  2. I’d be interested in putting together the info for the “what is CI?” That kind of geekery appeals to me. I’ll get started on it in the next few days and I’ll email Ben a copy of it as it evolves.

    I’m going to try to keep it to a total of 5 pages: 4 of writing and 1 of bibliography. I’ll do it newspaper format: most important items first. I am going to steal everything I can from Hosler and Harrell 😉

    I’d say the order will be something like this:

    a) definition of CI
    b) rationale for CI– input hypothesis, don’t need to grind grammar, affective filter, ac vs learn
    c) brain science– brains need novelty, repetition and feeling of safety to learn
    d) brief outline of process (& purpose of each)– est m, PQA, story, read
    d) diffs between TPRS/CI and older methods– no gramm pract, no early output, no peer-on-peer modeling

    Should I go ahead? Suggestions? Comments?


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