TPRS – Hebrew – 4

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14 thoughts on “TPRS – Hebrew – 4”

  1. Some of the Q form the teacher and the A from the students was edited out. This video went from 50+ minutes down to 17 🙂

    But you are right. The vocab is a bit fuzzy for them. We spent several weeks before Sara working with The Learnables to provide basic vocab and intro to the language. Then we did several weeks with Sara doing Stepping Stone exercises. I fear I may have overestimated what the kids knew and rushed too quickly into Asking a Story.

    Sara has not seen any training videos yet other than some of Ben’s youtube stuff. I would love to get her some exposure to some more.

  2. …Sara has not seen any training videos yet other than some of Ben’s youtube stuff. I would love to get her some exposure to some more….

    Joe click on the Videos hard link above for many of us who have shared video.

  3. So, I just got a kid who speaks speaks Arabic. Maybe some of you have some advice for sneaking print directionality into TPRS? Does anyone teach other (non-Latin) alphabets? I know he will eventually pick up pre-print concepts during our whole-group retells, so it’s not urgent, but maybe you all have some special suggestions to help speed this process up.

  4. Alisa Shapiro-Rosenberg

    I assume this kid is a young emergent reader- K-2? I do a lot of Spanish book walks under the doc cam – often re-scripting / comprehens-ifying existing text.
    I point to the words. If the kids are holding text, I make them touch the words as I say them. Here’s some advice from Karen Rowan on teaching reading skills – the directionality will happen as the kids acquire some sight words: FROM KAREN ROWAN:

    “Okay… in our conversation I clarified the different kinds of reading we’re talking about so I could answer better. Here’s what we all usually do with reading.
    In general, that they are not finding the words while you’re reading is not a problem. Just like reading a bedtime story to a small child, the most important thing is that we are creating pleasure readers. We are teaching them that reading in Spanish is fun and easy. We want them to have pictures in their heads. To accomplish that we can have kids act out portions, have the whole class act out portions, have half the class be Isabela and half the class be the mom or half the class be Brandon and the other half be the dog etc. We can have them draw portions of the story as we read. We can have them guess what will happen next. This all contributes to the pleasure and the picture in the head goal.

    However, to get them to focus on the words when they are on a screen, we often have one student be the “pointer” and point out the words while we’re reading them. This can be the same kid or they can take turns. We’re focusing on the shape of the word for word recognition. Who thinks they can find the word “corre” on this page? Corre a la pantalla… toca la palabra “corre.” (Run to the screen and touch the word “runs”). This doesn’t need to be done in order. This is basically “pop-up” reading instead of “pop-up grammar.” Find the word “a”…. Find the word “es”… What does “es” mean?

    You’re also asking questions just as you would with a story…. not just reading. As you ask questions, students can say the answer and also point to / touch the answer (the evidence for their answer).

    Reading in order helps with sentence structure. Pointing to the answer as we ask a question helps them find the word. Having a physical response when they have found a word helps, too. When you see the word _____, put your hand on your head. If you think the word after “corre” is _____, touch your ear. If they have to respond physically every time a word comes up (either the whole class or what we call a “designated responder”) they will pay attention to the occurrence of the words and be trying to seek the word on the screen. (i.e. pump your arms whenever you see “corre” / cover your mouth and pretend to laugh silently if you see the word “ríe” (laughs). Who sees the word “quiere” and can show me the gesture?

    There is a song called “My hat it has 3 corners.” To play “My hat it has 3 corners” with reading from a screen it goes like this.

    Read the first sentence. Make sure the students can find the sentence.
    When you say the sentence the students say the word (you choose) instead of you. i.e. Brandon Brown ________ un perro. The kids say quiere… you say nothing and leave a blank but you do the gesture.
    You say the sentence again and the kids say the word and say the gesture.
    You say the sentence again and no one is allowed to say the word. They read the word and gesture the word. Therefore… as you proceed through sentences….. if you don’t SAY the word… and they have to do the gesture, if they aren’t reading it they won’t know what to gesture. At this point… gradually or occasionally remove your pointing to the words so that they have to find the word with their eyes.

    You said that you have already given students an opportunity to look at the book, make predictions, read the back etc.

    Once we’re reading, the students should keep their “fingers on the words.” You’ll say that a bajillion times. Have them get out their “materials” (right index finger)… make a big deal about it each time you read. Walk around and check to see if everyone is in the same place and their fingers are under the first word. You are not teaching reading… you are teaching tracking. Read a sentence backward… have them track. Read every other word in a sentence… have them track. Once you’re sure everyone understands how to track with a finger…. then start reading. But you’ll stop to ask questions and when you back each time, remind them again… walk around… make sure they’re all in the same place…have them check that the person next to them is in the right place… then start again. I like fingers best because they’re hard to lose, but some people use popsicle sticks. They make a bigger point and they underline almost a whole line at a time. ”
    I think these strategies would be great to support directionality.

    1. Thank you so much Alisa! Fantastic suggestions. I’ve got a new job for this little guy (he’s 8th grade), he’s our class “pointer.” We don’t have books in TPRS, but I’ll definitely use the projector as our new book. I wonder, did anyone ever figure out the speech to text thing? That would be cool. I just need to get every word I say on the projector.

  5. Alisa Shapiro-Rosenberg

    Claire – voice to text works best (so far – the tech will get better) either in a Pages doc on the iPad or W/ your laptop’s settings (on a Mac it’s called Dictation). You pick the language and select the shortcut – which is hitting the fn button twice – and a lil microphone icon pops up on your document. Then you can speak into it, and it’ll dictate just like your cell phone. HIT ‘DONE’ when finished recording that sentence, and ‘fn’ x2 again to start up.
    It doesn’t always get it accurately, but the errors are…more opportunities for reps/input.
    Dunno how it works for French but I sometimes do it for Spanish.
    Lemmee know if you play w/it – if you learn any tips and tricks!

    1. I now have Pages on my school MacBook Pro & I just tried this! Oh wow, that is sooo cool! It’s especially fun to see a full line of my Chinese pop up on screen. Initial tests suggest it’s really very accurate.

      (All the more delicious for me today: earlier this week, I was rudely criticized online by a native speaker online b/c I slipped the tones on one word in a 10-minute video. Gasp, I even slipped that word more than once! And knew it at the time. Yeah, that mean-spirited comment was quickly deleted. There are some who cannot accept a non-native speaker. Pages dictation feature, though, understands me fine.)

      1. Remember, Diane, that rudeness was not “of the native speaker, by the native speaker, and for the native speaker.” So just be a purist for a day and ignore it as it was not an authentic resource.
        Have a great day.

      1. I’d be interested in how you use it in class. In my classes, we usually have a lot of back-and-forth before an “official” decision is made on what will be part of the story. I guess the mic would be easy enough to turn off & on. I have thought that some students would enjoy dictating to it.

  6. Alisa Shapiro-Rosenberg

    Yes – that’s exactly what I’ve done – just turned the mic on and off with the fn button shortcut (I haven’t used the iPad/Pages trick in my class – only at home). Used for dictating a live story or other chunk of text.

    I haven’t had kids dictate into it yet but I know they’d all clamor for it. It could eventually be a regular class ‘job’ for you teachers of big kids. Perfect for the misplaced heritage learner, too….

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