Tina’s Three Proposals – 3

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7 thoughts on “Tina’s Three Proposals – 3”

  1. Im glad that you are deep into this work Tina. The message is the important thing, always has been. Kinda like when deep spiritual teachings become dogmatic and institutionalized. Or like when a tribe rises to power to become an empire. I am generalizing but i am adding my own two cents about this. First came the knowledge than came the school.

  2. A key distinction between T1 and T2 is the source of the target items. In T1, the words are external ” from a syllabus made by others (not the teacher).” In T2, the words are internal “e.g. the story.”

    Another distinction is the goal in targeting. In T1, it is full mastery in a short period of time. In T2, it is comprehension of the story.

    (I am drawing these comments from SKs Three Options: Non-targeted input, and two kinds of targeted input, November 29, 2016)

    1. The thing is that there are several versions out there. And what is the difference if the words come from an external syllabus or are chosen by the tracher? It doesn’t matter where the words come from. It matters how they’re used. As the sine qua non of the messages -that is to say the messages are subordinate to repetitions of the words – or as the way the messages are delivered.

      1. “It doesn’t matter where the words come from. It matters how they’re used” This may work in favor of traditional TPRS skills like circling. At least, they want students to get reps en masse because they want to “optimize” acquisition. The words can come from a poster or an external source as Nathaniel mentions. An example that pops out to me is a “sweet sixteen” poster or “super seven.” This defintely influences the process and intent.

        To me it does matter where the words come from because it influences the intent. However, questions that the teacher chooses can lead to NT because it is eliciting communication/interaction with the learners. The learner describes their weekend — and we step in to say the compelling message of what happened.

  3. Isn’t it odd that a method that is supposed to foster the main Communication standard via storytelling, actual communication, is now being used to foster the learning of individual words and worse in some cases, grammar rules? Stories being used to teach a curriculum. How odd.

    1. It happens like that a lot/ There is a learning and practicum curve. The learning curve is steep too. We ask ourselves again and again if CI can even work in classrooms.

  4. …we ask ourselves again and again if CI can even work in classrooms….

    I used to do that. Now with Story Listening and the Invisibles and any other form of NT instruction I’m good to go. Worry gone. Fear gone. NT works if you work it.

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