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2 thoughts on “The Student Was Right”
This is the main reason we really shouldn’t stress about trying to “cover” tons of content. I know some teachers take a lot of pride in covering more content than anyone else, but if the students are only cramming the information into their short-term memories to be able to spit it out on a test, then what is the point? If the students are physically incapable of remembering all of that information then what is there to truly be proud about as a teacher? If they haven’t learned it for the long-term then have they truly learned it at all?
The other aspect of this whole thing is that you then get a few kids who think they know everything because they can regurgitate information, and a whole lot of kids who just feel stupid and stressed out. This is not a healthy environment, much less a happy one. No thanks and good riddance to ineffective and spirit-crushing practices.
Addendum: It’s like the teacher that says, “Well, I taught it to them. I’m not sure why they don’t remember it now.” Compare this to a salesperson that says, “Well, I sold it to them. I’m not sure why they didn’t buy it.”