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15 thoughts on “The Soccer Player”
Awesome. Thanks!
Yes, it’s marquer un panier. But what is really topical is that while you were getting ready for Super Bowl, France won the world handball championship for the fifth time. Handball is a great sport, fast paced and exciting, a cross between soccer and basketball. France had to beat a handpicked all-star team of recently nationalized Qatar players to win, so it was not an easy victory.
Thank you Anne and Ben! This is perfect for this week, with the switch to football.
Does Canada start their pro football league this week? Or do you mean soccer? Dude, how little we know of each others’ pro sports. Except for Robert’s students in German soccer, or, because I love the sound of this German word – Bundesliga.
The US exports, markets, the Super Bowl to other countries but they don’t import much. And they don’t import elegant sports that are not brutal, like handball. But we are moving toward the rest of the world in soccer.
France could care less about the Superbowl. All we saw here were some of the commercials.
So, this script could work well with the now infamous Scott Sterling Penalty Kick video, wherein a goalie inadvertently stops all five PKs… with his face.
Not for elementary classes.
Thanks, Grant! Hilarious.
I laughed out loud at that one, Grant. It’s got that repetitious quality like the pillow prank video you shared a little while ago, Eric. If I were to use this one I’d have to show it’s entirety with sound at least once because the commentary is so funny.
Oh my, that was funny. And this script rocks. Must be a new one?
This script was great! Just what I needed after a sad week last week of students not caring and not being interested in the story. Thank you!
Thank you for this script! My classes had a blast with it!
I would like to take the script a little further to practice sports and activities with the kids. Our district has a writing prompt Performance Assessment that I have to give next month and it focuses on activities and comparisons with friends. Not only is this my first year back in the classroom after nearly 10 years, but it is my first year using TPRS and CI. I decided after researching second language acquisition and finding Krashen’s research that when I went back to the classroom I was throwing out the book and diving in with this method. My administrators and CO Director are thrilled with what they see in my classroom and are completely on board with my instructional methods (even though I feel as if I have no idea what the heck I’m doing most days), but this writing assessment has me scared out of my mind. I’m resisting the urge to pull out my jouer à and jouer de exercises, but I feel like I need to do something to prepare the kids for this. I don’t want them to feel like I failed them because they can’t write about something that someone else tells them to and spell and conjugate and use prepositions with accuracy in March of French 1! Our district wants to move toward CI in language classes, and I don’t want them to look at my crappy scores and blame the method, when I just still have so much to learn. I want to add a parallel character and then do an embedded reading (which I am obsessively reading Laurie Clarq’s website to figure out how to do) followed by a timed writing of the story. Any suggestions would be hugely appreciated!!!
Thank you Ben so much for this PLC! It is my daily dose of PD, and often much needed laughter!
Cherie if your district wants to move towards CI, then you are going to have to inform them that they can’t expect level 1 students to write with accuracy.
They must accept that with writing in all levels of high school language acquisition, 500 hours of mostly input over the four years, if the input is constant and true and not mixed with English, even that, can only produce writing that only communicates an idea, but with structural inadequacies expected. Think of how writing works with little kids who have had far more exposure to the language than 500 hours.
This is natural. The standards call for communication and not structural accuracy. If your district really wants to keep its feel firmly planted in the last century, then those in power will understand that what you wrote here is a fear that they would never want to read:
… I don’t want them to feel like I failed them because they can’t write about something that someone else tells them to and spell and conjugate and use prepositions with accuracy….
This is some really inaccurate thinking here. The world has changed. They need to help you design a writing assessment instrument that aligns with the times. All your students need to do is to be able to address a prompt in the form of a question or an image and communicate ideas about them.
That’s all. No grading whatsoever of structure. Grading of effectiveness of communication of an idea. Go run and tell your kids. They are now officially off the grammar hook. They can ran and play with the language now. It’s o.k. – the bad days are over. Go tell them. The sun is now coming out after a very long period of sadness with languages.
Capitalize on the fun you started with Anne’s great script. Don’t ruin it. Keep it going. Ask them to write using the structures in the script. Or add on some more endings. Ask them to have fun writing about that story. It’s all set up now for them to receive some praise from a teacher for what they can do, and not be grilled for what they can’t. Don’t let those people in your school who don’t get this change ruin everything.
It’s the greatest lie of all to think a traditional kid can write naturally. They can’t. They monitor everything. And they’ve practiced this fake form of output they’ll only remember in the short-term. So, find a way to take away the monitor and get them to write something they have not practiced and then everyone can admire the lie.
E.g. Give them a story to read (give them just enough time to be able to read it twice), then take it away, and ask them to rewrite it as best they can. Give them only 10 minutes to write it. Make comprehension the first step (focusing kids on meaning) and that’ll drastically reduce the ability of traditional kids to write (they won’t know what they read). The story should be new to everyone. That way, no one has practiced it.
Grade it for fluency (count the number of words in comprehensible phrases and/or count the number of comprehensible phrases).
*Count phrases, not sentences, since they are beginners.
If you need a measure of accuracy, then count the number of words in an accurate phrase or count the number of accurate phrases.
*Beniko Mason was the one who suggested to me this be how we grade accuracy. Note: doing this means you’re not grading accuracy based on any grammar syllabus.
Why the hell do people care if kids can write anyway? Is that really a prioritized skill for a level 1 FL student?
I have given them timed writings on story retells in the past, and was blown away by what they could do. Of course, I was doing as Eric suggested and looking at comprehensibility, not accuracy. It was far beyond what my level 2 and 3 kids could do when I was a textbook teacher. If I graded the assessment, there would be nothing to fear. Unfortunately, another teacher in the county will be grading it and going by a rubric that is more grammar focused. I am one of only a couple French teachers in the whole county who use CI, and the only one who uses it as the method of instruction. Others incorporate a story here or there and occasionally do some circling, etc., so I doubt they will look beyond the grammatical inaccuracies. After observing my classes, the other teachers in my department were asked to start using TPRS, and that did not go over well. I have admin support, but not from my colleagues in the building and some others.
I know this is the right thing to do for my kids and have told my administrators that I have no idea what this PTA and the final county wide EOC will look like for my classes, because I do not teach the way these assessments are set up. They are so happy with level of engagement in the classes and the fact that the kids are with me every step of the way in the TL, that they say they are not concerned with the scores. I’m more concerned about the kids’ reactions to the assessment. I have had more fun teaching this year then I ever have, and my kids and I have such a great relationship. I recently had to give them a survey on my teaching, and all but 2 kids said how much they like this method of instruction and that they learn so much more than in previous language classes without even realizing it. Can’t ask for much more!
Thank you for the advice on how to continue on with the script, Ben. And Eric thank you for this tip on how to grade their class writing. I had not thought of counting phrases instead of sentences.
My anxiety feels somewhat alleviated and I am more inspired to keep my drill and kill sheets hidden in an old box where they belong!
In searching on the blog for a short activity for my 5th graders, I stumbled across this script. Then, while digging around online for some accompanying materials, I came across these videos (Zidane during the 2006 World Cup, Coup de Boule song). Old, but still good.