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10 thoughts on “Suggested Star Activities”
Good news: My session “Incorporating Free Voluntary Listening & Reading” has been accepted for NTPRS 2019.
Any PLC members going this year?
I was planning on taking a break this year from summer conferences, but it’s right in my backyard- 10 miles from my house!
I love these visuals. They are so helpful to me as a teacher trying to plan without spending time planning, and for explaining to admin that I am planning (again, without spending time planning).
I wanted to share a reading option (or maybe it is an extend activity?) that I just did with my classes. We are done with class stories, it’s that time of the year where holding their attention is too hard so I am not even going to try. We will transition to projects after Spring break next week. But I still had a good handful of really compelling Individually Created Characters that I was sad about not sharing. I paired them together arbitrarily so that I had 8 sets of 2 characters. I wrote a quick write up on chart paper for each pair that included each character introducing itself and at least one sentence about both together. I did that because the “about the authors” pages in the story project will be formatted like that and I thought it would be good practice. Then I set up 8 stations around the room, split the class into 8 groups, gave them a blank paper folded into 8 boxes and we did a gallery walk. Students could either write a translation, “leap from the text” by adding on information, re-write a few sentences in the negative (if the character said “I am tall” they would write “I am not short”) or ask a follow up question. They had to work until I rang a bell and then rotate to the next character. They liked it and after the initial set up it was very very easy work for me the rest of the week (it took 2 days to get all the way around the room).
Yes and Carly you also are one of the few people who really appreciate the import of the new spatial way of defining curriculum. You clearly are one of the very first teachers who are even working from this new concept and so it will draw the ire of those who can’t handle it and want to keep you in line. But all the time they look at your work w a critical mind, they are also looking out of a corner of their eye at a change that they themselves will have to do one day if they want to keep their jobs. Bless all of our hearts. I don’t say that to be snarky – maybe a little – but just bc I see it as a fact. The days of boring kids in language classes are over. Good riddance.
Good decision to not do stories now. It doesn’t work.
Can I put this new idea in the new book? It’s very cool. Except not so cool bc the book won’t leave me alone. I think it wants to be finished on its own terms. Credit Alisa for suggesting to me about the charts. There will be four graphics in the book when it is all done. I’m glad they help and thanks for the idea, Alisa, because I’m not a big graph guy. But I like these new ones.
Carly I really appreciate your idea bc so many drawings don’t get used in stories – there just isn’t the time, and your idea fixes that.
Thanks! I’d be honored if it made it to the book!
Someone in the TPRS community once said that my books were all stolen from my PLC members. Bless their heart. But Carly your work strengthens mine, and isn’t that what it should be about – sharing? In fact, your new strategy gives us a way to use the individually created images in such a way that certain kids don’t feel that their characters were left out. That is important. I am grateful.
A question: I genuinely feel much more mellow when I am teaching using the star and the non-targeted Invisibles way. It just feels so much more relaxing. I didn’t feel at all that way when I was doing TPRS. Can you say anything similar about how the star has affected your sense of stress in the classroom? It certainly is true for me.
Sorry for the delayed response, somehow I missed this question you posed to me.
When I use the start sequence to plan for my teaching I feel calm and confident that I will be able to deliver quality instruction that will flow naturally from myself and from my students but that will also be valued by my administrators because I can talk about it in a very academic way. This greatly eases my stress in the classroom!
Ben, would you mind to add the tag “star sequence” to this post? I remembered having seen this a while back and was searching for it this morning. I used the search option with no luck. I somehow remembered sort of *when* I saw it and searched through April to find it. I doubt I’ll be able to remember to do that in the future. I’m teaching for June right about now and my mind is already on the clean slate I’ll have here in a few weeks!!! Thank you!
Oops! I tagged it TPRS bc of an automatic setting from long ago I need to change. It’s far from TPRS! Thanks for the heads up. I’ll fix.