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9 thoughts on “Study Group”
I’m in – latter part of afternoon is best – say after 1:00 or 2 pm Central Time- Tu & Thu are better than M, W, F – that said I can prolly work around others’ schedules…
I’m glad you’re in Alisa, although you already know it from the 2017 Chicago workshop. This is really good news.
And I’m not just glad because you can guide our elementary teachers in the CI path during the Zoom meetings. I’m glad because it’s you – a true vertical jumper of CI if there ever was one – and the only elementary CI leader I’ve seen in the fray who truly walks the walk with elementary CI, who truly grocks what kids are experiencing in your classroom – all those lucky kids.
One thing to add is that our meetings will be very informal, more like a bunch of teachers sitting around and whoever wants to demo can do so, with me leading the way. It’s not going to be a formal setting at all. I’m keeping the group small to make sure it feels informal. The only requirement is to have a genuine wish to learn all the details about the Invisibles, and thus to be willing to stay in the group for the long haul bc once we start there will be so much information given out in each weekly 90 min. class that any latecomers just wont’ know what is going on.
I’m in also. M-F between 1-4 CT work well for me.
I have a feeling that I not merely want it but I have to join the training. For me, as I live on the other side of the planet, any time would be perfect… I just want to try to make it
When it’s 11:00 a.m. here in Denver it’s 9:00 p.m. there in Moscow. I’ll see what the rest of the group thinks of that. Should work.
Thank you, Ben. My wife just told me that she will take care of our boys during this time. (Sorry for personal details in the chat)
OK so I just sent you an email putting you in Zoom Group 2. Their first meeting is on Tues. May 4th at 1:00 p.m. Eastern Time (9:00 p.m. Moscow time).
Group 1 meets tomorrow. I’ll send that email out later tonite.
Yes, I’ve read it, thank you, Ben. I just wanted to ask if you thought of recording the zoom sessions for rewatching.
Yes. I will record all sessions and they will be available. See you Tuesday!