SL is Revolutionary

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5 thoughts on “SL is Revolutionary”

  1. One thing I’ve noticed when experimenting with Story Listening and NT is that because I am trying to use more synonyms and rephrasing, as well as using drawing, actions, my voice, etc. I am more free to speak more naturally than I feel like I have otherwise. Because I’m not worrying about being 100% comprehensible I don’t have to edit myself and the words I use quite as much. This alone is a huge weight off of my back, and I can see how students get a richer “net” of words to draw from. They may not understand every little bit, but surely something will stick with them, and they are able to get much more input that way.

    1. Yes Bryan. When I first learned that SLA is a subconscious process, I wondered why I needed to target “is thirsty” 50 times in a class period. It just doesn’t work that way. We can’t “teach” towards SLA, we can only provide language that sticks. The stickier the better. The subconscious itself knows when it is ready not the teacher. So why focus on form or target? We want to deliver compelling messages via stories and interaction.

  2. Isn’t it kind of funny & ironic how primordial it (SL) is – like a buncha cavemen (& women & children) sitting in a circle around a fire, and someone telling a story and drawing pictures (using ‘ink’ from berries or some such dye?) on the walls of a cave…

    1. So primordial that if a big saber cat was spotted by the cavemen and someone yelled “Run!”, those who understood language might have a better chance of living. And we turn this deep hard wired infinitely complex primal process into an intellectual game. Tie that idea to SK’s concept of compelling and we might get somewhere in our discussions with our colleagues who still teach chapters in a textbook.

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