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10 thoughts on “Rules 2012”

  1. One thing to be clear on. This document cannot be used in the slightest negative way, as if we were wanting to judge how well they are doing self reflection and how they could be better at it if they only tried hard enough. That’s the old way of thinking. What we need to do is make sure that they understand that this is a device for helping them look without judgement at how they are learning in this different kind of class. To accomplish that goal, we have to be positive in how we speak and use the document.

  2. I finally got to using this today with my kids in my troublesome group. I had kicked one kid out already yesterday for talking too much, and had a great, quiet but responsive class session yesterday. Today, I showed the kids their part of the document and then my part. I was honest about my own shortcomings. One quiet boy said that he really liked how the class went yesterday. Then we proceeded to have a home run reading/acting session. It was such a pleasure to get lost in the flow!

    I still forgot to check in with the kids at the end of class, but they were all happy as they left the room, and so was I. I will definitely do that tomorrow. Thanks so much for pushing this through. It is making a huge difference in the start to our last month together!

    1. butcher
      candlestick maker


      quiz writer
      story writer

      I messed up when Krashen was here and failed to have those in place, I just forgot and went into a story. And yet those three tasks add so much to what we do.

  3. Since this metacognition piece is so new, and few of us have actually put it into our routine, there will be a lot to discuss in the next few months – how it’s working, etc. What you share above, Michele, shows the power of this type of work. I am glad you are doing it. I know that jen is using it too. We need to practice on these un-normed students so that we know the routine in the fall.

    We haven’t even come to a decision as a group on which posters we are talking about. The two that you used today about teacher and student responsibilities are above, then there is the YOU KNOW YOU ARE LEARNING WHEN… one above*, which is not to be confused with the blockbuster 2010 rules, which will always serve as my base for all matters of holding students accountable.

    Then there is the What Does Rigor Look Like In This Classroom doc from Clarice. Not to worry, it will all sort itself out by the fall. But now is the time to test these posters and make decisions. Below is the document from Clarice**.

    Actually, you can look on the posters page of the non members side of this site for some of those posters. I think they are up there now. I know, clear as mud, but this is all new and it will take awhile of our experimenting (now in spring) to get this together. One thing is certain, I will not start next year without this metacognition/rigor piece.

    *I just changed the name of that one bc in my view it is crucial that we have something that we can laser point to whenever someone expresses the opinion that they aren’t “learning” in our class, which is a good thing. I just got that today from a kid walking out of the building. I asked him if he was learning any English from me as we walked along engaged in discussion and I think he got the point, that languages are different and you never feel, when processing language, that you are learning anything – you know, that whole discussion here from a few months ago. That idea of getting the kids to buy in to how DIFFERENT what we do when we speak to them only in the TL is so important, and so I like the YOU KNOW YOU ARE LEARNING WHEN… poster.

    Here is Clarice’s poster, which is in five languages on the posters page:


    Language acquisition only happens when written and spoken messages are actually being understood. In this class “hard work” means that ON THE INSIDE you need to:

    – Stay focused on the message being delivered.
    – Observe what is happening.
    – Listen with intent to comprehend.
    – Read with intent to comprehend.

    HARD WORK (RIGOR) is when you are actively engaged with the language, which means that ON THE OUTSIDE you will:
    – Respond with body language.

    – Show the teacher when you do not understand.
    – Respond with short answers.
    – Read and show that you understand.

    RIGOR means that you will FEEL:

    – Confident.
    – Aware of the stream of the conversation.
    – Like you understand, but you may not feel as if you are learning.
    – You don’t feel lost, confused, defeated or frustrated.

    You will KNOW you are learning when:

    – You understand what the teacher says or what you are reading.
    – Frenchstarts to fall out of your mouth in class without you thinking about it too much.
    – French comes out naturally and makes sense (even with errors).
    – You notice you can write more in French than you did before.
    – You are not translating from English to French when you speak or write.

    I remember when we crafted these, right after Jason left Denver. Remember? This is good stuff, y’all, and observors coming through our rooms will eat these rigor posters right up. Do you kow why we have them? Because our classes are rigorous. But they are rigorous in such an atypical and new way that is so different from the left brain way that schools normally function in, that we have to explain it. So be it.

    The two posters you used today, Michele, the WHAT DOES RIGOR (HARD WORK) LOOK LIKE IN THIS CLASS? by Clarice, and the YOU KNOW YOU ARE LEARNING WHEN… poster above can now be sorted through, tested, and we can get them ready and reformatted for the fall, using, of course, only those that resonate with the work we are doing, reflecting what Lea said here the other day.

  4. I think we have them all done and they are all in my computer and others’ computers too. I’m not sure but certainly we will have a big poster forum here after the conferences and before the year starts. People will then be able to pick and choose and decide. I feel as if this is the best preparation for a new year that we have ever had, with lots of posts under the “Beginning the Year” category to help remind us of all the changes we have suggested for next year. I know that the discussion for setting up the year for best CI practices will be a lively one in August. We’re not going to screw this up.

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