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2 thoughts on “Response to Thomas”

  1. I read that comment you posted on FB. I don’t understand the endless need for teachers to constantly say “what does the research say?” When did research become the God of this work? Honestly if Krashen based methods don’t work for any given person, they are completely free to do what they feel is best for their students. I am growing quite tired of listening to people try to prove others wrong and criticize at every moment. Hang the research. We don’t need any validation other than the spirit of celebration and peace that exists in our classrooms; regardless of the “method”. What a wonderful way for these so called colleagues to display how they truly live the tolerance and diversity they no doubt preach to their students.

  2. I read Thomas’s comment and really he brings up asinine points. He doesn’t even say what he stands for. He doesn’t even disprove what Krashen says because he can’t. So in the end he is just trolling.

    For others in the PLC, Tina Hargaden has a great group on FB called CI Liftoff. It’s the bee’s knees. Ask her to join. We mainly work on Non-targeted input via the invisibles. We troubleshoot as well. We include Krashen’s research and Beniko Mason’s work as well.

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