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5 thoughts on “Question About Presenting”
When I presented TPRS/CI in Strasbourg I did much as you describe. Two tweaks. I put expressions that we often use in talking about TPRS “teach to the eyes” “barometer” “teach til June”, “fluency writing”, etc up on the board and at the end of my demonstration asked the audience to choose the ones they were curious about. Then I went into more detail on those. I also had little badges that said “structure counter” “barometer” “quiz writer” “artist” and handed those out at the beginning, giving jobs to people in the audience. I’ve been asked to do the same thing in Toulouse this month.
To me, this sounds really packed. Great stuff, but packed. I can see why you’d want to demonstrate a wide variety of techniques though, because people are pretty unaware of this means of language instruction. Maybe showing more than one technique will allow for more people to realize that this is not a gimmick to try once in a while, but a way of thinking about how to help kids become fluent in another language.
If it were me, I’d need to practice pretty thoroughly so that the timing can be honed to include all of these. I would also suggest giving a list of websites, videos, follow-up steps to make those simple & easy for them. I have been feeling lately that might have shaved a year off my transition time to CI if I’d had that right after my first TPRS conference.
Now that you mention it, Diane, the schedule does look packed. Maybe too much? Do you think your audience will need a brain break–or discussion of something besides L1 input–somewhere in the middle there, Leah?
This is wonderful! I am so glad that you are doing this! It is a great idea to practice, especially with a live audience if you could round up a couple of friends to do that for you.
When I was at the Pennsylvania conference last year, I did an Embedded Reading presentation that was very well-received. There was only one other CI/TPRS presentation and that one also generated a great deal of interest. Your timing is excellent!!!!!
with love,
Great that you are going to present! I, too, am taking up the challenge and would be happy to collaborate with you on ideas. I am thinking I will do the 5 minutes of intro to theory and to find out who my audience is (I find it annoying to go to sessions where the presenter has no idea who he/she is talking to).
Then I will introduce how one can use a youtube video clip in 3 different levels, sort of like an embedded reading where the first showing is in present tense and simply describing the scenes, second showing uses past tenses ie. imperfect/preterite, and third showing uses subjunctive. (I think this is a great way to show teachers how one can bridge the chasm between the “grammar-based” curriculum some of us are expected to use and the TCI/TPRS that we know we should use.
Then I want to introduce the Educreations app and show how one could use it to help students who are absent from class due to sports, illness, family vacations, etc.
I only have an hour as well so I expect to gather some resources for video clips and hand those out at the end.
I will ask if anyone here would like me to list their blog, etc on my handout. I love to share what I am learning! Keep up the good work 🙂