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5 thoughts on “Public Individual Dictado”
This sounds terrifying. Affective Filter doesn’t apply to just speaking, does it?
Good point Lance. I can sense if a student would be or is terrified doing this and I just don’t ask those kids. Often it is the same student every time (like a job of sorts). Or the high achievers who like to show off their skills.
Affective Filter is in my mind a very general term. All traditional settings have high affective filters. I define it loosely – any kids who is not having a good time focusing on meaning and not form in f.l. classes is in a high affective filter zone. It means that they sense that something is wrong but don’t know what it is. They with their teacher retreat into the safety of the book where, because the brain engages and feelings disengage, they create an illusory learning environment that feels safe but that separates the few from the many. Since the only way people can authentically learn a language is through CI, traditional classrooms end up losing. Losing big.
I love this! This could be an occasional job for one of those show off types that like to be at the front of the room. Jobs are really making my classes go well this year! The key that I have seen in several classes is having one or two students really buy in to jobs. In one class I have a student who runs in to the board everyday and starts signing people up. I’m thinking of asking him to come to my other classes and teach them how to do that.
New people click on the Jobs for Kids category on the right side of this page for more information.