Pre-recorded Language Lessons

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5 thoughts on “Pre-recorded Language Lessons”

  1. I love that phrase– language parent. Absolutely the truth! And here is the next question. Who pays for all that training? When was the last time any of those folks thinking about having all those teachers on board actual did online training themselves for presentation to students? And how long if they did , did it take them to be fluent in the system oh that was 3 questions. Whoops.

    And there is a reason for only 10 month instruction. Teachers need a break from all the hard work they are doing during student instruction season. When is a respite given and what is the compensation for teachers who will not get renewal time this summer?

    1. Kate this is so accurate. Teachers have always taken such big pressure hits all day every day for so long. It took me a lifetime in the field to learn how to slowly disengage from all the stuff you describe above. Had I not learned to just not take those people so seriously, I doubt if I’d have made it. There are so many people in education who don’t deserve my time, all those meetings, all that garbage power posturing. Such teachers and admins, all so full of themselves. Bless their hungry-for-power-and-approval hearts. I long for a return to a more elven, or tribal, or forested, or calming existence professionally. The more I look back, the more I realize that I was in a continuous forest fire and didn’t see the flames but sure felt the heat and smoke. Every day there was always a fire to put out, something immediate, pressing, important. But, somehow, I feel the changes to humility and respect and a softer teaching experience coming. There are still bad trials to go through, of course, in the short term, but something really good is happening. We are coming together in the name of what is softer and more harmonious and more reflective of the kinds of things you write about and shared with the TPRS people at those conferences ten years ago. A tsunami of goodness is on its way. How do I know? Because “one only sees well with the heart – what is essential is invisible to the eyes (Antoine de St.-Exupery).” As the French say, “Courage, tout le monde!”

  2. Alisa Shapiro-Rosenberg

    Ugh. My district provided all the training and will even pay in most cases for more training. If our lessons are virtual, there’s not a lot I can do abt it. Asynchronous / pre-recorded – means no real-time negotiating meaning. No way to know who (if anyone) understood what. At the elementary level we don’t ask for hardly any output…so we’ve asked our principals/decision makers to prioritize live Zoom classes for World Language… Dunno if it will happen, or what the frequency/duration will be. Lots of questions that won’t be answered until late/end of summer, when everyone may have a better handle on what the virus is doing, and whether we can return to our buildings, or what the new reality will look like.
    I am going to do some of the online tech training to keep my anxiety about feeling unprepared for fall at bay.

  3. Alisa as soon as the new Category A book is done I will send it to you. I do feel that there is nothing even close in online language pedagogy to Cat. A for the fall in online settings. And it WILL be online, d’après ce que je pense…

  4. So most days I listen to a native fluent speaker in Mvskoke on a CD. I am an adult. I WANT to learn the language. It is boring but I am listening to the same thing over and over willingly because there is little out there for me to build an understanding of the musicality of the language. I have taken in the vocab. I am not going to get a 5th grader or a HS senior to engage with that. They need live folks. They were raised on enertainment. We have to make school engaging or they will merely act like they were there while they play on their pocket computers. I am so glad I am not having to teach via electronic medium.

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