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1 thought on “PQA Power Words”
Today I met students for the first time this year. Some of my returning students were certain that they didn’t remember anything from last year, but they really did, and it showed. In my 3/4/AP class we had a wonderful moment of laughter supplied by one student’s sly humor about what kind of camp you might go to during the summer. The challenge will be to keep the class comprehensible for level 3 – my 4/AP students are very fast processors.
My beginning class was lots of fun. We did cards rather than questionnaires, and the class discovered that while Avery plays football on the field with Pacifica students, Anthony plays football in Aquarium of the Pacific with the penguins. They are both running backs, so I needed a differentiation, and Anthony was more into playing the game. (Aquarium of the Pacific was his answer to “where?”)