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2 thoughts on “New Teacher”

  1. “There is only us, there are no experts. And we each will do it differently. But the common fiber in this work is the ability to share loving back and forth communication/dialogue with our students.”

    This is the most refreshing and liberating thing I’ve heard since I started trying how to “do” TPRS from the internet. I know my kids and I know me and if I deliver the CI and we’re all happy and the kids are engaged and I see them learning, then I can rest in that knowledge and stop killing myself.

    I am so truly thankful for this bit of wisdom and the peace it has brought me!!

    1. Jessica said:

      …I know my kids and I know me and if I deliver the CI and we’re all happy and the kids are engaged and I see them learning, then I can rest in that knowledge and stop killing myself….

      Bam! If we really think about it, there is a lot of darkness in our field, a lot of controlling going on by a lot of ignorant people. We teach languages! We should not be made to feel that we are screwing up such a joyful process when our kids can’t memorize lists for common assessments at the end of the year. I just feel as if right now there is a lot of light that is flooding into our profession and ain’t nothing anybody can do about it. So thank you Jessica for that liberating statement. I almost killed myself for real in my four decades teaching languages. I won’t elaborate but I was always in such a tizzy that my body almost quit on me. The first two decades I was convinced I was the one who was messing up, not good enough. Then there was a transition decade where I began to suspect it wasn’t me. Then the last decade I was sure it wasn’t me. And a lot of that was due to the people and the ten years spent on this blog who said real things and made me realize I wasn’t crazy.


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