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6 thoughts on “mGR – 2”

  1. I like the fact that the student is self evaluating and that a summary of this is easily seen in one little “card”.

    I don’t understand how do you use this Mike?
    Do you show the rubric on the lcd every day, or at some point and have them fill it out?
    Do they have the values in front of them when self assessing?

    Years ago I tried something similar (giving them a paper on which to tally their answers). It was a LOT of work for me. Many kids would just go down the list of indicators without reading them and give themselves a number without thinking. So I stopped the self evaluation part which I think is essential.

    I am really at a loss on how to make this rubric a meaningful way for kids to reflect on what they are doing to acquire the language.

  2. Laura,
    Here is my take on using my modification of the jGR and mGR.
    I go over the rubric frequently. The wonderful thing is that is becomes very holistic for the students. Once it is well explained and reviewed frequently, in very practical/modeled terms, at the beginning of the year the students become adept at adequately evaluating. If they don’t adequately evaluate, I do it for them. In the past, I have struggled with any type of a participation grade assignment, but with this, I feel very comfortable with it representing 65%. It definitely takes some effort to make it real for the students, but once it does, it’s like gold (at least for my students and me).
    The poster is up, right next to the screen 100% of the time.
    They write down their scores daily (10 seconds) and turn it in at the end of the week.

  3. Dave, I really like your exit ticket. I gave my students the rubric on one side of a page and then a calendar with weeks on the other side to enter their estimated points and I add mine to it. I only have them do it once a week, but I think every day is much better. They probably only remember the last day otherwise anyway. The combination of rubric and rules is so much clearer to the students. Thank you guys for sharing it with all of us.

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