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7 thoughts on “May Update 1”

  1. Wow, that would be just amazing to be able to meet you all this this way. I’m so grateful for all of you putting yourselves out there for all our benefit.

  2. Ben, is this your retirement announcement?!?
    Assuming so…. Congrats, Mazeltov, Felicidades and all other sorts of huzzahs in your direction, never mind the many thanks. This is big news: I’m talking about flashing marquees in Time Square, long banners behind single engine airplanes, the yellow bar for major announcements on top of my Yahoo page, Twitter alerts…
    And if I’m wrong and you’re going for year 36, then that would be worthy news too.

  3. Ben, you are so kind. Sans all this comprehension based stuff, I would have crashed and burned a long long time ago, but, as it is with life, there is rescue, and for me it happened in the form of a Susan Gross workshop in 2001.

    So now, thus retooled and made whole again (only teachers know what that means) I’m going for year 36, albeit at half time, but I teach three classes in a row, and that is tough! So arrange that banner on that plane!

    And I know just the place to fly it first – up and down the Grand Strand of South Carolina – 55 miles of the most beautiful beaches in the world – where God put me on my knees with the old way of teaching for a quarter of a century.

    I never thought He’d let up! But He did. And just to hear this acknowledgement from a fellow warrior, Ben, means so much more than I could ever express. If someone else wants to say that I did a good job, that is fine, but, unless someone has been years inside a school building, it just doesn’t mean as much.

  4. Good stuff, I enjoyed watching these. I didn’t see everyone in action, just a few, but one person who was really killing it, and staying with L2 a lot, I thought, was Mark Mallaney. But it really was good to watch these teachers teaching, all that I did watch.

  5. Mark has never taught any other way. I just saw him at that DPS TCI gathering downtown – I was on my bike so I didn’t video them – but he is now in his 5th year and each year has gotten stronger. He really does kill it, and he owns SLOW.

    And I found out from Kathryn that she didn’t even make any videos last spring so she doesn’t have any up there, so sorry about the false alarm. Her scores were challenged by a group of teachers in the district bc they were so ridiculously high.

    So when Diana told that to Kathryn she immediately suggested that they re-test her kids. They did so and the scores were even higher – skyscraper scores. This is what will bring the change to those who doubt the power here – they want scores? We’ll give them scores.

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