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4 thoughts on “Matava’s Best”

  1. Mine are:

    1. The Refrigerator Story, vol. 1 (because we get to use the rubber chicken!)
    2. Important, vol. 1
    3. The Fortune Teller, vol. 2
    4. Report Card Day, vol. 1
    5. Not full yet, vol. 2

  2. Also Drew, even though all the scripts can be modified for use with all levels, as you are doing, the first 23 in vol. 2 were written for first and second year classes (no real difference there), while the remainder were intended for the upper levels.

  3. Mine are:
    Vol 2
    1. Lazy (Spanish I/II)
    2. Be Good! (Spanish I)
    3. Take 2 Gummy Bears and Call Me in the Morning (Spanish I)
    Vol 1
    1. Report Card Day (Spanish I right at first grade report)
    2. The Thirsty Boy (Sp I)
    3. The Baby Story (Sp I)
    4. Who’s Paying (Sp I)
    5. Afraid of the Package (Sp I/II)
    6. Cutting Down a Christmas Tree (after Thanksgiving Break Spanish I in present and Spanish II in past+past subj.)

    I started making notes in my script book–starring my homerun stories. Man, we did a lot 1st semester. I got to get my head in the game this last quarter.

  4. Wow, been lots of new stuff after taking a few days off the blog!

    My top 5 (not sure if these are the actual titles… don’t have the books in front of me):
    1. Were just about to eat
    2. Lazy
    3. Go to the Movies
    4. Refrigerator Story
    5. He Talks Too Much

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