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5 thoughts on “Mark Hazard”
Hey Mark,
I am not sure if we have ever met, but I would like to welcome you not only to the PLC but also to the TCI community that exists in Maine and New England. Your name does not ring a bell and if you are not on our e-mail list for information about our fall conference I would love to add you and have you join us in October.
I will certainly keep my eyes and ears open for a new position for you. I assume you are also on MoreTPRS? That is a resource for job openings as well.
I actually cannot tell you how many teachers in Maine are doing Latin with CI.
I don’t think we have ever had a Latin teacher at our conference…
Which school are you currently at? You are the second person in two weeks that I have heard of that has been laid off. So sorry about that.
Thanks to all of you for the encouraging words. Skip, I’m teaching at Massabesic High School in Waterboro, but I live in Auburn, about 55 miles from there. I’d be interested in learning more about your TCI group. Feel free to write me at my email address.
Welcome aboard, Mark, and thanks for swelling the numbers of Latin teachers doing CI work. There are a number of us here, and this is all good stuff for all of us.
Welcome! The more Latin teachers out there using CI the better!
I thought that my school in NC was going to have a Latin opening for this coming year, but it appears the veteran Latin teacher will be coming back for her 38th year. When she does retire shortly, I would loooove to help get a CI based teacher in.
Good luck with the job search!
Welcome. From one Latin teacher to another, thanks for seeking better for your students. I am pleased to see another face here from the Latin camp. It truly feels like we are doing amazing things.