Language of the Trees – 2

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5 thoughts on “Language of the Trees – 2”

  1. “and they are put together in a specific kind of alchemical way of fitting them together in a class. ”

    It’s gold he’s making. Truly.

    King Midas, go write us that book. 🙂

  2. I’m still reading comments. THANK YOU, Claire! I need the moral support right about now when all I have in front of me is a bunch of blog articles and tired eyeballs working on the project. But I’m feeling it. Alchemical is the word. Linda’s starting to show an interest. Zach gets it. One word – badass. IF I can get this stuff down on paper, that is. Thanks for the good vibes! Writing a book is a royal pain in the ass. (How did pains in the ass get to be “royal”?)

    1. That is a great, thought-provoking video, jen. I love this: “These plants are not really individuals in the sense that Darwin thought they were individuals, competing for the survival of the fittest. They are interacting with each other, trying to help each other survive.”

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