Kindergarten Day

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5 thoughts on “Kindergarten Day”

  1. I love kindergarten day. Because we do a 2he session every other week, it is a must for me to give them something they can do on their own. I have taken lots of those board books on opposies, counting, etc. home from Goodwill and transformed them with label tape. My favorite storypictue books have also been transformed.

    I really try and build little readings out of our own story from the previous week as well. Along with having them draw their own pictures. All those creative little crafty projects are fun. When we do things that are fun, it seems to take it into our subconscious quicker at least for me.

  2. That is pretty much our students view as well. So why not have fun. The research has shown that young brains learn best when they feel safe and are at play. There really is no difference in play or work. It is our attitude and perception that make the difference. That is merely a mind game. Shift your thinking and it is a whole new world.

  3. “If it ain’t fun, I ain’t doing it.” I read this above a couple of days ago and it’s become my mantra ever since as I hesitantly — skeptical of every tech teacher idea about remote learning as well as the faux enthusiasm to start the school year — began with students today. And it will continue to be my mantra for some time. Thanks, Ben, for helping me get through this.

    This what? Well, for example, I was kicked out of my Google Meet session while in the middle of teaching a class. Of course, it was the last class of the day. Students were exhausted and ready for some pranking. I’m pretty sure a student was able to remove me from the session. Apparently they have this power. Other teachers in my building have said that students could remove other students. That power extends to teachers, apparently, too. I sure hope the IT people get this fixed. Honestly though, this doesn’t bother me that much. I just find it indicative of the quagmire we find ourselves in.

    After this first day, my inner voice is telling me to just mute kids and if they refuse to mute, remove them from the session. Zap. Done. Move on. Start fresh a new day: Tomorrow. Problem: I lack the power to mute kids at the moment. Someone told me there’s a special extension for that. Seems like it should be a built-in feature. I’m gonna look into that right now.

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