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3 thoughts on “Just Play Defense 2”
This idea could really help me with my surly, mean eighth graders. They seem to actually enjoy reading stories that I wrote, even if they are just stories I wrote up for FVR (I like to write and sometimes I just write stories I like, not stuff based on what we did in class). Maybe we will do a R and D each week with my stories and also start to work through class novels. I am thinking: 10 min. FVR, 30 min. bookwork, 12 min. R and D. I am so glad to have this PLC to help me work through what I want to try with this bunch of complainers.
Yeah the bookwork for most of the period is the best move. Then you have those twelve minutes to maybe spin something interesting. That’s usually about how long it takes to get something airborne when you spin things in R and D. Then the bell rings. Perfect. They will eventually figure it out. Good plan Tina and keep the reports on the snots coming.
Aha! “It takes some of the edge off of level 2 TPRS/CI classes, which are typically the gnarliest level of CI instruction, being caught between the honeymoon of level 1 and the strongly capacities in the language that we find in level 3 classes.”
So basically I have two of these this year. My level 3 is not a real level 3, but much more like a level 2 in ability. Levels 1 & 4 rock.