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2 thoughts on “Jobs – 4”

  1. Ahhh. Somehow I had missed that point, that the Story Artist writes in L1. I have never had a Story Artist in my elementary school classes, thinking it was supposed to be done in L2.

    I’m lucky to have a white board mounted on the back wall of the classroom, so much like Ben, my student spends time drawing with his/her back to the class.

    I’ve taken pictures with a camera of the Student Art and used them for retells in any future class and as a way to get retells after a reading class.

  2. Debbie Shipman

    The idea of these specific 3 jobs for students (along with “profesor”) was the key take away for me from the conference in Denver. Watching these in action in the War Room was such an ahha moment for me. Thanks to you, Ben, and to all who participated there. It was a lot of fun and a different kind of learning curve.

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