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2 thoughts on “Jim Tripp on PQA”
We probably ARE targeting too much. One thing in favor of starting class with 2 or 3 structures on the big paper, however, is that doing that gives a mechanical jump start to the class. There is no fishing around. We get immediate buy in and action with the kids, bringing them to life when we a) tell them what it means, b) tell them to gesture it, c) have them close their eyes and gesture it, and d) start gesturing actively in various random sentences, which gets the class and the PQA off the ground. It is that order of four things that I ALWAYS do when being observed because the sequence itself is so powerful in engaging kids and pushing the start button on the Porsche. So maybe the targeting of structures which so many of us have been doing as Step 1 of TPRS for so many years – doing those four things in order before we move out to the calm seas of the story – is worth it for that reason alone (that it’s a fantastic way to start a TPRS class and not necessarily effective in the way we’ve been saying in the recent discussion about Step 1 here, but still of extreme mechanical value to jumpstart the instructional process in a lively and fun way – those four steps listed above).
Jim just launched his new website so now you can easily get either a hard copy ($25) or ecopy ($15) of his stories. Here is the link:
For those new to using story scripts in a TPRS class who would like a nice safe foundation for your stories, Jim’s catch the attention of kids, are masterfully written, fun, and, most importantly, simple. I give them my highest recommendation.
Here is what Sr. Wooly says about Jim’s teaching:
“In 2014 I had the privilege of observing Jim Tripp teach his students for an entire day. And I can say without hesitation: He is a master teacher. He has a true command of the principles of teaching with comprehensible input. I learned so much from him in my short visit, and I know that his resources will be invaluable in your classroom.”
Jim Wooldridge (Sr. Wooly)