Jigsaw Puzzle

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2 thoughts on “Jigsaw Puzzle”

    1. I would say as quickly as you can. The only reason I even do Cat. A is to give you practice and confidence in how you are doing your journeys around the Star when you start the year off.

      Think of Cat. A as the training wheels phase. You can’t really get going with surging student interest until you get to the one word images and they are weak compared to the individually created images. But you do need the Ct. A training wheels for at least a few weeks.

      Exactly when to go to each new category depends on the class, of course. Some move faster than others. Remember that in this way of teaching you are not doing cookie cutter “cover-this-then-cover-that-then-go-to-the-next-chapter” linear instruction, since that is so deeply flawed, so fake and so devious to imply that you can teach from a textbook and not be involved in some kind of fraud.

      The main concept is to go to the next category – eventually all the way to Cat. F – by January or so for a fast-moving class, but some slower classes may take until spring (all in level 1 here).

      Once you get to stories (Cat. D-F) – which usually start around Dec. for an average class – you will see a marked increase in interest, but if you try to get there (from tableaux) too early, you will notice how important laying a good foundation for stories via the tableaux is.

      Be reminded that the Ultimate CI approach works best w kids who haven’t before had worksheets. Many of those kids are ruined for CI forever, since they have been taught to think that learning a language is about memorization. They really never recover from that kind of instruction, so pour your energy into your level ones.

      There is no formula here. When you teach using the Ultimate CI method you are no longer teaching canned boredom, but fresh wonder. Feel free, listen to the voice of intuition in your heart, learn to grade the kids with love, blamelessly, and move up many levels in your own joyful experience of our profession.

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