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2 thoughts on “Jessica Hildahl”
Salve Jessica!
Glad you are here. This blog has had an incredible impact on my teaching over the past several years. I’m know that you will find much to support your moving into more CI based instruction. Looking forward to seeing more of you.
My first interaction with TPRS was a number of years ago from a German teacher at one of the high schools in our district. At the time, I thought, “Wow this is cool… too bad I can’t use it for Latin.” Boy, was I wrong!
Also, are you on LatinBestPractices? If not, I encourage you to join; there is great Latin CI discussion there too.
Cura ut valeas, David
Thanks David,
I’ve been reading here and at Latin Best-Practices for a long time, but have never posted much. I was so excited to finally meet Bob Patrick at his workshop last summer. It’s given me a jolt of new energy for CI and some great tools besides. I hope to meet you as well one day soon. 🙂