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6 thoughts on “Jacqueline Ford”
You gotta talk to Kristin Duncan– she teaches just up the highway from you and she does French.
Haha we are already friends Chris! We (try) to meet once a month or every other month!
You guys are lucky. When I started TPRSing I had nobody to talk to and I had to try to not harass Michelle Metcalfe too much. Thank God for Ben’s blog and yahoo moretprs.
Kristin has this AWESOME system for asking a story, having a kid draw it with an ipad app and then narrating over top of it.
OK Kristen write it up and send it to me and I will publish that idea as an article. Sounds like just what the admins want. Kid produces a drawing and talks about it. Ipad. They will be ecstatic, even though as output it brings minimal gains.
It’s true, admin does like them. It’s basically my “artist” job, but on the iPad. Will do Ben!
Welcome, Jaqueline. Good to see you here. Jaqueline was one of the first to register for the Agen Workshop and was a wonderful, very positive presence. We all enjoyed having her and hope to see her again.