iFLT Update

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12 thoughts on “iFLT Update”

  1. Maybe you could help me coach some of the sessions. I see this time as a very valuable chance for us as a group to practice what we have been talking about all year. I think these sessions could be very productive.

    1. If you are ALREADY registered for the conference, then YES, email me to specify Ben’s group. There is a sense of urgency in getting registered, because space is limited! We are giving Ben’s Blog people a week to register specifically for his workshop. Next Tuesday, we will send out an email to all the people who are already registered and give them the opportunity to enroll in Ben’s workshop. We’ll give them a week to respond, and THEN we’ll add the workshop to the registration page, so that people can register for that specific track. This idea was late in the game, so we have to do a little back pedaling to make it work.

      With all that said, please do NOT DELAY in registering for the conference! Be sure to send a note with your registration that says “Ben’s workshop.” If you have already registered, please email me immediately if you would like to be placed in Ben’s workshop.


  2. Yeah just email Carol. She knows about our group and reads here sometimes so she wants to make sure we can get some training time together. There will be other afternoon sessions, so don’t feel like you have to show up for all nine hours with me. Chill will be there. I really look forward to working with as many from this group as possible since we have so many specific common topics to address.

  3. I have a question for the group about other conferences in summer 2013. My professional development funds from school are no longer abundant and I will therefore not be able to go to the conference in San Diego, which is where I would’ve gone! But a local conference might get covered. What I’m wondering from anyone who has been to these is: If you have been, was it helpful and worth the time? Is there time for practice by participants or mainly demonstration? Will there be a lot of time spent on dealing with Western language verb and/or agreement issues (which to me could be a deal-breaker since they doesn’t apply at all to Chinese)? I’m open to hearing frank comments. Thanks in advance.

    Chicago, IL
    Classroom Management Workshop
    June 29 [1-day Workshop]
    Tawanna Patton

    This one is billed for beginners & returnees:
    Chicago, IL
    June 26-28
    Von Ray

    There’s also one by Blaine Ray billed as Advanced Skills:
    Chicago, IL
    TPRS Advanced Skills Workshop
    July 11 -13
    Blaine Ray

  4. Verb agreement etc. will not be a part of any of those. Tawanna’s will primarily be about engaging students and management. She’s dynamite and if classroom management in a CI classroom interests you, she’ll be great. Both Von and Blaine will be about co-creating the story with students, how to use students and actors and how to use dialogue and questioning in stories so that students get a deep exposure to real language while staying in bounds. My guess is that one is targeted for newbies and the other for folks who already have had training. If you are looking to hone your skills, you will get something out of either of them!! When does school start for you? Before or after Labor Day? I’m wondering if it might be feasible for you folks in the area to organize a one/two day sharing/conference in August. There are enough folks to do it. De I’d be happy to help organize it and depending on dates present/coach if someone will let me stay with them. Sharing and highlighting your local people will also make it affordable. It would work best if someone’s school district would be interested in being the host/location, OR, if a local language group would be interested. There will be a few expenses and this way a bank account/accounting folks are already in place.

    What do you think?

    1. Hi Laurie,
      My initial thoughts are: I need a nice, long rest over the summer, so planning (or even just gathering people who might be interested) is more than I can do this year. But thank you for the offer! I’m at a private school and mainly network with those who teach Chinese around the area. As far as I can tell, I am one of one teaching Chinese with CI in Illinois (though several are open to it or try things now and then, but haven’t got the theoretical basis and enough comfort/experience with it to go fully). But there are a lot in Wisconsin – which is why I attended your conference there a while back, organized by Haiyun Lu. Some day I’d like to help organize something but this school year has me pooped out.

      So I’m looking for the easy way this year at least – find some training that will help me grow and improve in general and don’t worry about the Chinese-specific issues (especially character reading). But they’re on my mind a lot. I think those will have to be given more attention in summer 2014.

  5. Oh I didn’t mean that you had to amiga!! I know that there are a number of Ben’s List people within 2 hours of Chicago and maybe someone would be interested. :o) As for Chinese teachers using CI..are you a member of this group? http://groups.yahoo.com/group/CIChinese/?yguid=549427985
    Looks like it is fairly new but growing!!! Maybe Haiyun knows of more…

    Lea? La? Any other organized CI Chinese connections that you know of?

    with love,

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