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8 thoughts on “HOSLER!”

  1. sigh. He’s what I’m up against every day. I hope some of you can come to us in Agen and make the workshop noteworthy and newsworthy so that French teachers can begin to understand that there is a different way to teach and that it works.

    1. Yes, and just to re-iterate CHill, can you bring samples, maybe a variety of samples, of student writing at level 2 and three and somehow show the ‘reader’ of the sample [i.e. me and the other TPRS teachers] what sort of training the student has had (level I non-TPRS, but level II TPRS, etc.)??

      Samples are so nice to show what is happening in the classroom, and to display what students are able to do, and at what level.

      Just a thought for the upcoming San Diego conf…
      Thank you!

  2. Just to be clear, my own opinion on output is that it shouldn’t happen until level 3. It takes small children years for them to even begin to output speech and writing. Just for the record on that. Agree to disagree.

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