Go Deep! (Patricia va a California, Chapter 3, Part IV)

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2 thoughts on “Go Deep! (Patricia va a California, Chapter 3, Part IV)”

  1. Thank you for this! Another gift from you Colorado folks. I found it amazing how many times Ben’s class could go back to the beginning of a paragraph and say the same thing again. I used to do this as a punitive measure, when not everyone seemed to be paying attention, for example. Now I am using it as an affirming measure, to show students how much they understand the second time through, or the third time. There is no more rushing to get to the end. I just stop right where we are, and say “Wow! You got so much of that!” and then go back one more time to relive the thrill.
    I am truly impressed that your students opted for Pobre Ana one more time. Reminds me of my toddler and The Lion King. One more time was never enough.

  2. Because I have been using songs to backward plan a lot lately, I love getting my hands on a video version of the song with subtitles. This is huge, I think, as they can watch the video as it helps with meaning, while reading and listening.
    Thanks for the idea to write questions sometimes, instead of always just asking them orally. Good change up.
    And Bryce, thanks for showing it’s ok to replay a video or reread a text. I’m always hesitant to do that for some reason. I think I’ll give it a try next time I’m spent.

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