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4 thoughts on “German Presenters”
Contact me off-blog and we’ll see what is possible. Send an e-mall to harrellrl at aol dot com – sorry, I have gotten used to not giving my address in a way that a “bot” can read it.
We might be able to work something out.
Julie Baird and Rob Williams….AP and TPRSers. I can forward you their information Brigitte. I hope that we can repeat the TPRS strand again next year….it was a very positive experience. I’m glad to hear that NYSAFLT sees us as “going in a direction” :o) It’s been a decade-long journey.
with love,
Thank you so much, Laurie and Robert. Yes, I would very much like to get Julie and Rob’s information to forward to my chairman. Btw, Laurie, your name came up quite a few times. Obviously, you already left your footprint in the minds of the organizers. Wie sagt man so schön auf Deutsch: steter Tropfen höhlt den Stein! (the squeaky wheel gets the oil).
Laurie, I guess it would have helped to give you my e-mail address. Here it is:
Thanks again for offering your assistance.